
Bob the Barber

For this logo I knew that I wanted to make Bob the central focus, as he is half the name. Bob had some unique features, chiefly in the large beard, widows peak, and bright red sunglasses. I felt that a profile view of Bob would be the best way to capture his overall look. For the font, I wanted to go with something that was fitting of Bob, something that was bold, unique, and a throwback to styles of the past. The end result was just that, with a 1950s feel to the bends and movements of the font and the change of font size, this font helps to create a stand out brand for Bob the Barber. Flanking Bob on both sides is the establishing date. I wanted to add these in order to bring a better balance to the logo, but also to bring to mind some vintage brands, as that is the look and feel that Bob is trying to go for.
